Meghan's Packages
Month-to-Month (4) Lessons:
Must take 4 lessons within 1 month, same time/day of week for the month reserved.
As-We-Go (4) Lesson Package:
Can schedule 4 lessons as we go, fit you in when I/you can for lessons. Must be used within a 2 month period.
Single Lesson:
1 lesson purchased & taken, fit in when my schedule allows
Part-Time Month-to-Month (8) Training Sessions:
Must use all 8 training sessions within 1 month, same time/days of week for month reserved
Partial Tune-Up Package:
3 training sessions used within 1 week
Great if you’re a current client that will be out of town or unable to work your horse & wish to maintain your horse’s training
This is NOT the package for new clients or clients wishing to see a drastic shift in their horse. This is best for clients who have already invested in the work with Meghan & don’t want to lose their progress while they enjoy a trip or focus on work.
Full-Time Onsite Monthly Training:
4-5 training sessions/week for 1 month (can vary depending on horse’s needs & best interest in mind)
Full boarding services with Indigo Trails Farm (contract must be signed)
Educational Events:
Half-Day (3 hour) and Full Day (6 hour)
Video Consults:
Only offered to current lesson/training clients
Max video length 5 minutes
1 Day (Sm. Group/3hr)
2 Day (Sm. Group/3hr)
Audit Fee + Facility fee for host
Contact Us Today
We would love to hear your questions.
Boarding Arrangements, Training Programs, or Riding Lessons | Contact Caitlyn
Speciality Events, CLTS Horse Experiences | Contact Stacey